Horace Mann School

HM in Motion Capital Campaign

The case to build a 21st century environment to develop 22nd century leaders.


In 2015, Horace Mannone of the country’s premiere independent schoolslaunched a new capital campaign with an ambitious goal of raising $100 million. The campaign re-envisioned their facilities in a way that would inspire world-class science education, encourage community, promote wellness, and strengthen their athletics.


Horace Mann looked for an innovative partner who could bring their case to life and maintain excitement by keeping donors and prospects updated and engaged. We started by developing the visual brand for the campaign, followed by emboldening their case statement with full page renderings that visualized each goal of the campaign. These assets were repurposed for a campaign microsite that regularly updated the campaign’s progress and enabled donors to pledge their support.

For over four years, we have continued to design and develop materials that support the vision and goals of the campaign. We helped produce campaign newsletters in print and digitally published formats to keep early donors engaged.

One of the most fun projects for us was designing the invitation to their much anticipated ribbon cutting ceremony. We worked with them to create a unique invitation for their top donors. The packaged invite included a pair of scissors with the invite wrapped in a red, satin ribbon that had to be snipped to reveal the interior message. We also designed a stewardship mailer acknowledging their vast list of donors, repleat with images of HM students experiencing the new space and classrooms, and even included a pack of branded stickers!


The campaign was closed in June 2020 and has eclipsed the $100 million goal all while re-energizing donors around the mission of the school.

services utilized

art direction • branding case studies • graphic design • messaging strategy • print production • web design

Project Deliverables:

Major Donor Case Statement + Custom Folder (not pictured)

Public Mini-Case Statement

Campaign Microsite with Active Progress Tracker

Ribbon-Cutting Invitation + Packaging

Donor Stewardship Mailing + Custom Sticker Pack

Quarterly Campaign Newsletters