Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance – OCRA 

How OCRA reversed a multi-year downtrend   

Using direct response to increase annual giving.


OCRA is the global leader in research funding and a trailblazer in the race to find a cure for ovarian and gynecologic cancers. Over the past several decades, OCRA has invested $128 million in ovarian and related gynecologic cancer research and helped to secure more than $3.8 billion in federal funding while supporting over 95,000 patients and families per year.

Upon joining OCRA, as the Director, Donor Relations, Brian Phair was tasked with revamping the organization’s direct mail fundraising program, which had seen a multi-year decline in giving. With limited time and bandwidth to make needed changes internally, the organization turned to amplifi for help building a more comprehensive direct mail program.

“We were in a position where we knew we had to do something different,” Phair said. “We were sending four appeals a year, and wanted to build a more cohesive strategy. And realized we didn’t have the time or resources to make the changes we needed on our own.”


The first step was to audit the organization’s database, determine what data was workable and relevant for improving future communications, and reorganize it in a more useful way.   

Then the amplifi team worked with OCRA to revitalize their strategy and messaging.  

We came in with a fresh look and revamped the way OCRA told stories with their appeals. Previously, their appeal letters were text-heavy and primarily focused on the research component. And while this approach was effective for some donors, amplifi believed that more casual language and a focus on the people impacted by OCRA would better engage donors and result in increased giving.

Featuring a human face that donors could identify and empathize with was a critical step forward. And the statistics that were once the primary focus were repurposed to serve as evidence that tied back to real people and their stories.  

Putting it in action.

Here’s a look at the strategy we worked with OCRA to build:

Finding the right format.  

amplifi took OCRA’s standard appeal letter and it moved from a standard appeal letter format to a more user-friendly 8 1/2” by 14” mailer, featuring a quote from one of OCRA’s beneficiaries. The appeal featured a tear-off reply slip, highlighted critical aspects of the organization’s work, and tied it all back to how it’s making a difference in the lives of real people. We also ran an A/B test on the reply cards, pitting an 8 ½”x11” with a separate reply card against the 8 ½”x14” brochure. However, we found it was the change in messaging, rather than the format itself, that made the biggest impact on giving.   

Targeting the right donors.

We worked with OCRA to reduce print and mailing costs and improve their ROI by improving their targeting. This meant focusing on donors who were most likely to respond to direct mail. The organization was sending appeals to everyone who had donated in the last three years, resulting in mailings of 40,000 plus with exorbitant print and mailing costs and low response rates. So, we defined some key data points that indicated someone’s likelihood to give, and suppressed donors who didn’t meet the criteria from direct mail appeals. We continued to analyze results and refine the list, improving the targeting, response rate, and ROI of each subsequent appeal.  

New donor welcome kit.  

As we started working with OCRA, we realized they needed a better plan for donor stewardship. So, building a new donor welcome kit to invite new donors into the community was a logical next step. After a new donor gave via direct mail, they received a thank you letter and a booklet that explained how their gift was already impacting the community and offered additional ways to get involved. New online donors would receive the same content in the form of an automated series of emails. These efforts encouraged more one-time donors to stick around, give again, and further their impact.

We followed that up with two impact story stewardship touchpoints throughout the year to active donors. These stories were sent either via email (for those with active emails) or print (to those without emails on file) to share an uplifting story of someone’s life that was impacted by the work of OCRA. These touchpoints did not include an ask, just a heartfelt thank you to these donors whose philanthropy is making a difference in people’s lives. 

Encouraging giving increases.

amplifi helped OCRA implement a new approach that centered on increasing support from their mid-level donors for their 2023 year-end appeal. These donors received a personalized version of the standard impact booklet along with the appeal that recognized their past support and shared more about the ways the organization and their donors are making an impact. We used OCRA’s donor data to identify these donors and apply statistics and testimonials that spoke to these donors on a more personal level and showed them what they could help accomplish by increasing their support.

Additional strategies.  

  • Implemented the new, people-focused strategic message in all direct mail communications.   
  • Used versioned buck slips and reply cards for monthly and planned giving donors in Spring appeals.  
  • Modified fall appeal strategy to coincide with Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.  
  • Moved quarterly impact report for major donors from a multi-page document to a more engaging, user friendly, and updatable PowerPoint presentation. 
  • Began leveraging data collected in 2023 for 2024 appeals.  


Since partnering with amplifi, OCRA has realized:

A 79% increase in revenue from lapsed donors with an improved targeted appeal

An increase in ROI (43%), average gift (87%), and revenue (58%) for the Spring Appeal

A huge impact on the year-end appeal with an overall 123% increase in revenue and an incredible $58.25 ROI with the targeted mid-donor appeal

“Our results in the first year of working with amplifi exceeded all of our expectations,” Phair said. “We saw a clear impact and are thrilled with our revitalized direct mail fundraising program.”

About OCRA 

Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance (OCRA) is the oldest and largest ovarian and gynecologic cancer charity in the world. Since its founding in 1994, OCRA has grown into the leading non-government funder of ovarian and related gynecologic cancer research, investing over $128 million in groundbreaking studies. Through innovative education and advocacy efforts, compassionate support programs, and cross-industry collaboration, OCRA is driving progress and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible to improve outcomes for patients and advance research in its quest for a cure. 

Project Deliverables:

Strategy + Consultation 
Data Audit + Report 

Donor Stewardship Communications
(including a New Donor Welcome Kit)

Direct Mail Solicitations