
5 Tips to Get People to Read Your Content

Content marketing is all the rage these days and whether or not you knew the trend had a name, chances are you’ve been an active participant in some way. Whether an organization you love has a blog that you follow religiously or you really look forward to those...

Write Email Subject Lines That Get Opened

People today are inundated with information more than ever before and we don’t have time to soak it all in.  Each of your customers and prospects get a substantial amount of emails every day, and a lot of them are never opened.  The chances of your email being...

Loyalty Programs Can Really Pay Off!

Does your company have a loyalty program? A way to keep customers engaged with your business and encourage repeat business over time? If not, it might be time to get started. Case Study: Hotel Resort Take the example of this New Jersey-based hotel and resort that used...

Understanding Successful Email Marketing

The days of mass email marketing, better known as spamming, are over.  Internet service providers closely monitor email marketing activity and stand ready to cut off access to businesses that do not follow the rules.  While that may present a problem for some, it...

3 Reasons to Hire a Professional Designer

  Engaging customers involves more than just sending out informational or promotional print pieces. It involves touching customers’ emotions and engaging with them at a deeper level that draws them in. That’s why, even with so much template-based design available...

Direct Mail Is More Effective Than You Think

We’re used to hearing that the average direct mail response rate is 1.0% - 1.5%. But according to a recent study from the Pew Research Center (“Internet and American Life Project,” April 2013), this view needs to change. According to the project, the average response...