Tell It With An Infographic

You’ve heard the expression “a picture is worth a thousand words.” In today’s busy consumer culture, you can often get your point across more effectively in a visual form than you can in running text. Enter the infographic. Infographics (or “informational graphics”)...

Smart Strategies for Maximizing Print

All around us, we hear about the benefits of going paperless. When it comes to marketing, that’s just not a smart move. When our inboxes are clogged with spam and any company can look big and successful online, print carries a gravitas that inspires confidence and...

How Do You Measure Campaign Success?

How do you evaluate the success of your personalized printing campaigns? Response rates? That’s a good first measure, but it is a very limited measure of your marketing efforts. To properly evaluate the performance of your 1:1 campaigns, you should be using some or...

Don’t Waste Money, Market Smarter

When we think about “marketing smarter,” we often think about spending more money. But what if you could market smarter and save money at the same time? Especially when it comes to direct mail, there are many cost-saving measures that can save you money and boost your...

Learn to Speak the Language of Images

Designers and prepress professionals use a private language to describe images and their formats. Let’s open the curtain a bit to give you a peak into the secret language of image file formats. Why So Many File Formats? When it comes to bitmapped (scanned) images, we...