New Postal Regulations for Folded Self-Mailers

Dec 6, 2012

On December 1, the USPS published a final ruling in their Federal Register, changing some key regulations in regards to self-mailers that will be go into effect on January 5, 2013.  The postal definition of self-mailers is a letter-sized piece that is generally one piece of paper folded down – there is no permanent binding such as staples, perfect binding, etc. that hold it together.

The key changes to the regulations for these self-mailers to go at presort rates (without a surcharge) are as follows:

+ The size of letter-rate mail is changing.  The new size to be considered for letter rate mail will now be reduced to 6 x 10 1/2 (down from 6 1/8 x 11 1/2).  This is a key consideration for all letter-sized mail!

+ The final fold for self-mailers to go at presort rates (without a surcharge) must be on the bottom.  If it is an oblong sized piece (i.e. a flat sized piece that is 6  x 18 folded to 6 x 9) the final fold must be on the leading edge.  The leading edge is defined as the right edge of the piece when looking at the mail panel. Furthermore, the address panel can no longer be on the final folded panel.

+ All self-mailers will now require two wafer seals.  Action Graphics already complies with all the new wafer seal/ tabbing requirements.

If you have a project that you are preparing and unsure if it meets the new regulations – please contact us today for a free assessment of your mail design.

Other Postal Changes You May Want to Know About

+ 2013 Postage Increase

+ Simplified Addressing Expanded to Business Customers

+ Mailing Resources

To read all the regulation changes with this ruling (more than the highlights above), click here to open the Folded Mailer Self-Mailer Reference put out by the USPS.