The summer is almost behind us, and fundraisers like yourself are spinning their wheels and starting to think ahead about the 2024 year-end campaign season.
So don’t just burn rubber! It’s always great to be proactive.
But you’ve got a lot on your mind, and it’s not always clear where you should focus your attention.
After all, this isn’t your first time around the track. You know how crazy things can get leading up to appeals season. But putting in the work now can help you keep on track, maximize your results, and do more for your mission.
Here are five tips to keep in mind for your 2024 year-end campaign:
1. Be strategic with your goals.
Before you get started, it’s important to ask yourself, “What are we trying to achieve?” The easy answer is to raise money, but that’s just a means to an end. You need to think about the big picture.
You’re not, for instance, raising money to buy school supplies. You’re working to give underserved children a better education.
You’re not building a new wing of a medical center. You’re making sure you have the facilities to serve your entire community.
Get the picture?
Focus on your mission and keep it in mind throughout the entire appeal campaign. Your donors will be more excited to make a difference than simply contributing to your annual fund.
Then, make sure all elements of your 2024 year-end campaign tie into that mission. Everything from your stories to your calls to action should be focused on why your organization exists and how your donors can help make your mission a reality.
LEARN MORE: Let’s amplifi your nonprofit’s call-to-action.

2. Build a plan for your outreach.
You know that if you want to raise more money and achieve your goals, you need to reach the right donors with the right message, in the right way, at the right time.
So, it’s important to think strategically about your 2024 year-end campaign, especially if you have been less than diligent in the past.
Your donors can tell if you’re sending everyone the same generic letter and emails. This won’t make them feel special and they won’t feel like their gift matters. They won’t be as eager to support you.
Then, once you create messages that speak to these groups more directly, you should plan all the touches for your 2024 year-end campaign in a communications calendar. Keep track of what segments are receiving what messages and when and what medium they receive them.
This will help make sure you are keeping all your donors engaged while not overlapping with other communications they may receive.
Oh, and don’t forget, it’s not always about the ask!
Make sure you reach out with plenty of non-ask communications to keep donors engaged in between appeals. Your supporters will feel like your ATM if they only hear from you when it’s time to donate.
LEARN MORE: How to segment your nonprofit’s audience.

3. Leverage GivingTuesday.
GivingTuesday has quickly become one of the biggest days in fundraising. Last year was another record-breaker, as US nonprofits raised $3.1 billion.
These numbers are eye-popping. And if you haven’t made GivingTuesday a priority before, you may feel like you’re missing out.
But there is a lot of noise on GivingTuesday. Your supporters will receive appeals from every organization they’ve shown interest in, and it won’t be easy to stand out.
So, consider thinking differently about your GivingTuesday strategy. Rather than follow suit with everyone else, stand out by reaching out without an ask.
Use GivingTuesday to thank your donors for their past support and remind them of the impact they’ve made. This will help you stand out with something different and prepare your donors to give when you send your 2024 year-end campaign.
LEARN MORE: Getting a head start on your GivingTuesday campaign.

4. Say “thank you, thank you, thank you!”
There is no such thing as being too grateful to your donors. You probably send an automated email to say “thanks” and confirm the transaction was processed after a donor gives. But this isn’t enough to make your supporters feel valued.
And remember to demonstrate the impact the individual has made on your goals with their support.
Your thank you’s should also open the door for future engagement.
Donors who feel involved and engaged with a nonprofit’s work are more likely to understand its impact and give again. So, let donors know about the other non-monetary ways they can support you, such as volunteer opportunities.
And don’t forget to warm donors up before an appeal by thanking them for their past support. Remind them of the impact they’ve already made and let them know that there is still much to be done.
LEARN MORE: The next step to thank and retain year-end donors.
5. Let data drive decision-making.
Typically, we like to think diving into your analytics and determining what went right or wrong with your year-end campaign comes after the new year.
But it’s important to know what metrics to look for ahead of time.
After all, you’ll need to look at much more than your campaign’s fundraising totals or organization’s revenue for the year to understand how your 2024 year-end campaign performed.
The amount of money you raised is important, but there are several other ways you should be evaluating your year-end fundraising push.
Specifically, there are five key metrics to track that will help you adjust your approach during the campaign and learn what to do or not do differently next year.
LEARN MORE: Key metrics to evaluate your year-end results.
Don’t wait!
Effective planning and preparation will be key as you gear up for your 2024 year-end campaign. But don’t wait to get started! Time will move faster than you think.
You’ll maximize your impact and drive your mission forward by setting clear goals, coming up with a strategic plan, and leveraging key fundraising opportunities like GivingTuesday. Remember, the path to a successful appeal season is paved with thoughtful actions and a focus on what truly matters – making a difference in the lives of those you serve.
So, buckle up, stay focused, and get ready to make 2024 your most successful year yet!
Want to talk through your approach with an amplifi Development Strategist? Click here!