
Your Customers Have a Secret

What truly motivates your customers? Here’s the hard truth: No one wants to buy your product or service. What your customers do want is an answer to one of their basic psychological motivations—needs, wants, desires and fears.  NEEDS are things you think you must...

Understanding the Lifetime Value of a Customer

You may have run across the term Life Time Value of a customer or LTV. It is a common marketing buzzword, and you often hear about it in the context of Customer Relationship Management (CRM). The basics of LTV and CRM mostly come down to tracking and retaining your...

USPS Picture Permit Indicia

In an effort to allow your mail to be even more marketable, the USPS recently announced a new formal picture permit indicia program.  This new program allows the mailer to send out mail with a company's logo, photos, other branded images or graphics as part of the...

QR Code Use Trending Toward Women

One of the hottest topics in print these days is the use of quick response (QR) codes. When scanned with a smartphone, these codes take people directly to the Web. This gives smartphone users an immediate way to respond to your marketing pieces, even if they aren’t at...

Why Personalize Print?

Because tailor-made marketing messages are on the cutting edge More and more, we are hearing about one to one (1:1) printing or “print personalization” (using printed pieces, often with four-color text and graphics, to talk directly to recipients based on name,...

Print Smarter

If you have noticed your mailbox filling up again, there’s a reason. After a long period of decline, marketers are starting to mail again. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why. Print works. It might not twist and spin and play interactive games like...

Use Your Data to Describe and Predict

“Describe and predict” starts with understanding what your customers look like. Once you understand this, you can compare their profiles against well-known demographic and psychographic patterns to anticipate how they might behave. This becomes the basis of a more...