Variable Data

Be Different! Send Mail!

Do you want to stand out from the crowd? Do something different? Send mail! To many, this might sound like a strange suggestion. After all, isn’t the average household inundated with mail? Isn’t all this unwanted mail why services like Catalog Choice (which allows...

The Money-Saving Magic of Personalization

If you are a marketer, you probably share a lot in common with a magician. Your budget is continually being squeezed. Yet, you are always being asked to do more with less. What are you supposed to do? Pull results out of your hat? Personalization to the rescue! Did...

1 to 1 Personalization Keeps Print Relevant

If technogeeks have anything to say about it, Summer 2007 will go down in history. Why? It was the summer of the iPhone. If Apple, in particular, has its way, you’ll never need any other communications device again. It’s a wired, wired world. So why, then, in a survey...