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Last-minute advice for improving your spring appeal strategy.

Last-minute advice for improving your spring appeal strategy.

It’s March, and there’s no doubt about it… Spring is here! And that means you’re running out of time if you’re still looking for ways to improve your spring appeal strategy. We tried to warn you this day would come up fast! That’s why we published a blog with advice...

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The right way to evaluate your year-end appeal.

The right way to evaluate your year-end appeal.

You worked hard this year-end appeal season. Hopefully, it paid off, and you raised a lot of money! But do you really know how to evaluate your year-end appeal? Or do you just count how much you raised and call it a day? The amount of money you raised is significant....

Key steps for recovering lapsed donors.

Key steps for recovering lapsed donors.

In a perfect world, we wouldn’t need to worry about recovering lapsed donors. You already know that it’s more efficient for nonprofits to focus on retaining the donors they already have than it is to acquire new ones. But the reality is, with so much on a fundraiser’s...

How the nonprofit industry evolved in 2023.

How the nonprofit industry evolved in 2023.

If you’re like other successful fundraisers, you’re probably looking for ways to do something different and improve your fundraising outreach. But if you’ve been taking things day-by-day, you may not be caught up with the ways the nonprofit industry evolved in...

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