You worked hard this year-end appeal season. Hopefully, it paid off, and you raised a lot of money! But do you really know how to evaluate your year-end appeal? Or do you just count how much you raised and call it a day? The amount of money you raised is significant....
Important fundraising tools for your school.
No matter what you do or why you do it, you need the right tools for the job! A chef needs a knife. A carpenter needs a hammer. And you need the right fundraising tools for your school if you want to achieve your goals and advance your mission. Raising money for your...
How to segment your nonprofit’s audience.
As you know, effective fundraising is about engaging your audience with a message that feels personal and relevant. And using your data to segment your nonprofit’s audience allows you to speak more intimately with your supporters. A message that resonated with...
Finding supporters who fit your ideal donor profile.
Donor acquisition is always on the minds of nonprofit professionals. Yes, it is important to grow your donor base consistently. But don’t just cast a wide net and play the numbers game, hoping someone out there will give! You can do more to advance your mission if you...
Everything you need to know about repurposing content.
Guess what! We originally wrote this post in January 2020. So, why are we telling you this again? Because repurposing content is actually more than OK when you work at a nonprofit! Have you ever compared your own organization’s communication strategy with the ones you...
Are you going surround sound with your communications?
Integrated messaging, cross-channel communications, multi-medium marketing. You’ve heard all these before. But let’s ditch the complicated jargon. After all, effectively going surround sound and rising above the noise is a difficult task as is! We’re going to break it...
Why mobile optimization is crucial for nonprofits.
We’ve all been there. Pinching, scrolling, and pinching to zoom again on a website or email that just doesn’t work well on a smartphone. Yet, many organizations are still far behind when it comes to mobile optimization for nonprofits. Consider the following: Nonprofit...
WEBINAR RECORDING: Tips and tricks for nonprofit leadership
Did you miss our online chat with Amy Boroff and Allison Howe, the Executive Director of NonProfitConnect, on Wednesday, January 12? Amy and Allison discussed what it means to diversify your board, how to identify someone who is a "good fit" for your board, and much...
Nonprofit trends for 2022 you should keep an eye on.
Yes, it’s that time of year again! The year-end fundraising frenzy is just about behind us. And fundraisers everywhere are thinking ahead to the new year and beyond. And in fundraising, as in life, the only constant is change! So, keep these nonprofit trends for 2022...
10 shocking fundraising statistics you should know about.
We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again – the fundraising landscape is always evolving. And this has never been truer than it is today! If you’re like other fundraisers, you’re probably looking for ways to identify trends and stay ahead of the game. As nonprofit...